"Either get busy living, or get busy dying"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Goal Progress - Loving and Letting Go

Caring about people is very important. It is important to have people in your life that you love. And I have a very loving heart. I often times care more than I should maybe. I have mentioned in other posts about letting go of people who pull me down. Getting rid of people who drain me and give nothing back. But, also as I have been saying in other posts, saying is not the same as doing. Breaking old habits is hard. But, with some help from my best friend, today, I took an important step. A hard one, but one that needed to be taken. Today, I took a stand and said no. I stood my ground. I changed a behavior. And it was very, very hard. But, I feel both good and sad about it. But, then, let me explain.

I have a person I have been friends with for a long time. He has many problems, one of which is drinking. I have been there for him. I have held his hand, I have cried with him, I have also enabled him. I have seen him through the good times and the bad.  I have helped him get sober, oh so many times, only to see him fall back off the wagon. I have listened to him talk for hours. I have tried and tried to give him the help he needed, encouraged him to get help from other places, given time, patience, love, and anything else he needed. When he would call in trouble, I would be there. When he would fall down, I would pick him back up. Well, you get the point. Anyway. So, I was always careful about certain things - my kids never saw him drunk. I never took my kids to his place. I never let him interfere with my children's lives. But, on the other hand, I did let him interfere with my marriage in some ways. There were many nights that my husband walked in the door from work, I would kiss him and run out the door to help this friend. There were many nights when we were both off, that I spent over at this friend's apartment trying to help. It took away from my marriage. So, when it got overwhelming, I finally had to step back. But, slowly, I let this friend back. But he was sober and doing well. I was proud of him. I was happy for him. I enjoyed talking with him again. Until today. Today, he called me. He was drunk. He was driving around. He wanted me to help him. I told him to find a motel, get a room, and when my husband came home I would come see him. He texted me, and called me, to make sure I would still come see him. I would. But, before my husband came home, my best friend came over. I told her what was going on. She pointed out that this was the same behavior I always did. I always ran when people called me. Nothing I could do for him would help him. He needs to stand on his own. He needs to get help. I can't help him. All I can do is enable him to stay the same. And by reacting the same way, I am staying the same too. I am allowing him to drain me.

So, I did it. I told him I wouldn't come. Even though he tried to make me feel guilty, to manipulate me, to pull me back in, I stood my ground. I didn't go. I told him that I wasn't going down that hole with him again. That I loved him, I would be there for him - but not to call me until he was sober. I would not do this any more. I do not need people in my life to drag me down. I need people who will lift me up. And while this may not seem like a big deal, it is. To me, it was a really, really hard, and important step. I stopped a behavior that is almost ingrained in me. And from here, there is nowhere to go but up. I accepted that I can still care - and still let go.


  1. I know too well how hard it is to say no. Congratulations on doing so! My oldest daughter has a drinking problem and many times I would go out in the middle of the night to help her get out of one jam after another. Last St. Patrick's Day she drank then came over the house where she physically assaulted another daughter, my husband and then myself. That was the last straw. We told her we love her but if she calls us when she has been drinking I will hang up on her. She is not allowed to drink in my home at any time. It was a hard decision but we have managed to stick by it. Your friend will eventually understand that you love him but can not watch him destroy himself.

    1. Wow, that is hard when it is your own child. I know how it can rip a family apart. But yes, you do have to eventually draw a line. I can only hope that your daughter will get help. And my friend. Sometimes you do have to love... and let go.

  2. congratulations kimber...the first time is i swear the hardest time...isn't it...this is such a hard thing...i mean society has taught us well, that caring is about letting someone else dictate our behavior...and as woman we got a double whammy of this lesson! cause girls are just naturally 'supposed' to be sugar and spice and everything nice...and it's interpreted as sweet and letting people use us!to the point of letting others be first in our lives...childrn, parents, spouses,etc....
    i have learned that kindness matters above all else in how you treat others ...yes, however...kindness the way i have learned to interpret it now is...letting people make their own way and mistakes...in life... i believe that is the goal in this life for each of us...to learn and become even higher energy beings....
    now please don't get me wrong....yes i am there to help them when they realize they need and want to change...but i now try to recognize the difference in helping them to repeat destructiveness by being kind at the wrong moments ...just isn't very kind is it?
    the kindest action is in letting them fall as many times as they need before they learn ...hey i want and need to change this...!
    i'll liken it to something we both remember as mothers to baby's learning to walk...
    if we never put our babies down...and let them try to wobble around and strengthen their muscles, they never got bruised or hurt in any way...they also never strength-ed their body's...so as mothers instead we put them down on the softest floors to learn as we could find, and loved them when they fell... at the same time praising and adoring them when they made progress...does that resonate...in what i'm ratteling on about...????
    in short i think of my motto as this....i try to always be as kind as i can to everyone...in the way i at that moment understand the situation...
    sandra laine
    i also want to personally thank you honey for doing this blog...you will never know how much it truly helps me in my journey...i am in so many ways doing the same journey as you...and that you allow me to follow...and respond is in many ways as though we are helping and cheering each-other on...i love you for honoring me and your other friends that choose to follow your journey...you are being so brave to share your inner self and needs ....you are truly magical, and amazing!!!

    1. Oh honey, thank you so much for your wonderful words of encouragement and wisdom. I'm so glad you are joining me on this journey. We are never alone when we have friends like you. Namaste, dearheart

  3. True words are not always pretty; pretty words are not always true.

  4. I have found that anything can be said or done with kindness, and it is OK. Part of my self-made trap (similar to yours, only different) was not saying or doing anything until I was so overwhelmed and emotionally drained that communication became the issue. Congratulations on being strong, and you chose a good wand to put down. Carrying that one did no good for you, your family, or your friend.

    1. You are so right, I have often let things build up to the point of explosion rather than face them as they come. Bad, bad habit. But, I am working hard to learn how to deal with them as they come up. And being firm. I think there are many wands that I need to put down and move forward. Working on the 8 of cups.
