"Either get busy living, or get busy dying"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Challenges - Keeping The Faith

So, the best laid plans of Mice and Men. I've got the plan, I've got the goals, I've got the blog, I'm on my way. So, what about actually accomplishing something - carrying through with all these great ideas. They say that half the battle is realizing you have to change. But... after that the work begins. I have to actually do the things I say I am going to do. I have told many people this. I have told couch politicians that if they want to change the world, don't sit on your couch and talk about it. If you want to change your life, you have to get up from the couch and do it. It isn't just going to happen on its own. And boy, making changes is hard. It requires so many things - determination, motivation, a plan, a direction, but most of all WORK. It is so easy to say you want to change your life, it is much harder to actually do something about it.

Add to that, when an idea is new, change is fresh, and it feels good to be on your way. But, you and I both know that after awhile, it becomes more difficult. When you have a long hike ahead of you, you always start out fresh and energized. But, after the first mile, the first hour, the fourth hour, that motivation can get harder and harder to keep up. I came up with this whole idea to make these changes and loved it. I got organized, I made goals, I set up this blog, I made a schedule, I even made some changes. I have made some steps towards the changes I want to make. I've claimed my me time, I have started saying no to things, I have taken baby steps towards change. And to be honest, baby steps are the way to go. It has taken a long time to get to this point, it isn't going to change over night. But who doesn't want to hit the lottery? Who doesn't want the big pay of in Vegas? It is only natural to want a huge result for a little effort. But no, slow and steady wins the race. And let's face it, slow and steady is boring. Slow and steady is hard. It is hard to stay motivated when instant results don't happen. So, sigh, where to we go from here? How do we stay motivated to make the changes? To keep fighting and not give up? Well, here is what I am doing.

First, I have people I love in my life who are encouraging me. I don't know about you, but I love to hear people tell me how proud they are of me. I love to hear people tell me they can see a difference. I am energized by people telling me things like I inspire them. That pushes me to do more, do better, keep going. So, I have people like my daughter behind me keeping me going. And texts from my best friend saying how proud she is of me. My mom telling me she sees a difference. My 15 year old son told me yesterday that he likes the change in me since I have started taking me time. He says I'm happier, in a better mood, and nicer to be around. Awesome sauce. Those are the kinds of changes I like to see. Also, this blog helps. I am really motivated knowing I am going to come here and share the latest achievements. But, fear not, I am also going to post my failures. We learn from those as well. It isn't a mistake if we learn from it. It is a growth opportunity. Also, I have my motivational page here. I am going to keep posting things that inspire and motivate me to keep going. I hope that they help someone else too. So, with that thought in mind - it's time to get off this computer and get busy. So, until next time - I'm off to do instead of talk about it.

1 comment:

  1. just keep going :)Here's another one from my magic poster:
    “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”
    ― Dean Karnazes
